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General Union Still At It

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The General Union is still nipping at's heels over the raw deal instructors were given when they were effectively fired by not having their contracts renewed. UPDATED 03/18

According to the Asahi Shimbun, the General Union plans to file another petition on the 17th with the Osaka Labor Bureau citing's refusal to engage in collective bargaining as an unfair labor practice. The union says that has refused to renew the contracts of about 300 instructors who had been recently rehired. The union says is has asked to engage in collective bargaining 3 times but has been refused each time. A spokesman for says that it is acting in good faith and will make a decision after reviewing the request for collective bargaining.

NOVA譲渡先の団交拒否は不当労働行為 救済申し立て




Update 03/18

From The Japan Times

A union representing teachers from bankrupt language school chain Nova Corp. filed for aid Monday with the Osaka Prefectural Labor Relations Commission, complaining that Nova's partial successor, G.communication Co., has engaged in unfair labor practices by refusing to attend negotiations over the teachers' employment.

According to the petition, Nagoya-based G.communication is continuing to dismiss teachers and is refusing to renew contracts for a number of them in violation of its initial agreement to rehire all those who wished to be re-employed.

The company is also refusing to attend negotiations requested by the union.


"Although G.communication should conclude new contracts, it is refusing to renew them, saying the Nova contract periods have expired. This is clearly unjust," union Chairman Katsuji Yamahara said.

Comment: Does g.communication understand that news coverage like this is bad for the company? To date, they've had mixed results with opening schools, reneged on its promise to hire instructors back, and jerked the remaining instructors around on their terms of employment. On top of this, g.communication has yet to launch an ad campaign beyond a lone ad for part-timers on their website and handing out some tissues.

This is not going to end well.


An aid worker was working in a poor country when suddenly one day a poor boy ran up to him and asked him for a fork. He duly gave one to the boy, moments later, a second kid asked for a fork, then a third, then a fourth and so on.... the aid worker was scratching his head wondering what was going on. Suddenly a kid ran up and asked for a spoon. Now the aid worker was really perplexed. "What's going on?" he asked the kid. "Someone threw up just now, and all the lumpy bits have gone....".
The union should be asking for a spoon, the real money seems to have left the company already....

You handsome, funny guy!! That's crazy, but maybe that's why all the girls love you. I think you're great.
(If you can't tell yourself how wonderful you are sometimes, who will?)

I feel bad for all of us who worked for NOVA and got screwed over, but I feel even worse for those who are in the Union as well. Not only did you not get paid by the Monkey, but you also dished out extra to union fees for nothing in return. What a raw deal to those who were part of the union.

talk alot..set up endless demos and meetings..they were definitely helpful at the beginning when nobody knew anything..but its the same old problem with them...nobody really cares..or thinks they are gonna be here long enough to they are an irrelevant institution...I felt compelled to "join" after a couple of meetings cuz they were helpful...but then I kinda have "neglected" to pay any more dues..nor do i intend to sink anymore cash into them..

the whole Zombie Nova thing is getting tired for the many of us who have gratefully (oh so gratefully) moved on...

I wanted to join but whilst supporting a wife and kid I just couldn't spare any cash. For one thing they helped increase media and public awareness of our situation, and that helped everyone including those who didn't pay dues.

To those twits who've got new jobs and come to this site just to say "I'm over the whole NOVA thing" please act accordingly and refrain from posting on this site.

if you look at my posts, i am fluctuating now between continued rage and contentment...its a 12 stage thing you know..


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